In college, you’re going to do a lot of writing.
In a history or a psychology class, you might write a research paper. In a biology or a mathematics class, you could be asked an essay question. And just about every class requires proper citation of sources and appropriately worded e-mails.
Writing is also a tool of learning not just of communication, and students learn more about what they’re studying by using writing to take notes and reflect on readings and experiences. The thinking writers engage in when trying to frame and phrase ideas in their projects is important to gaining a deeper understanding of the subject they’re writing about.
The Alma College Writing Center is a place to talk about writing and support writers. Whether you’re an upper-level English student putting the finishing touches on your magnum opus or a first-year STEM major simply seeking to communicate what you know, writing can be a fun and successful experience for you.
All writers benefit from talking through their writing and getting a reader’s perspective on their writing, so both enthusiastic and reluctant writers can benefit from visiting the Alma College Writing Center. But if you haven’t been to a writing center before, you might not know what to expect. So, here’s a short list of what you can expect to find at the Alma College Writing Center:
Students like you: The director of the Alma College Writing Center is Dr. Marilee Brooks-Gillies; an associate professor of English and an expert in writing centers and how they are administered. She supervises a staff made entirely of student writers (called “peer consultants”), who come from different majors and are in different class years. That diversity of peer consultants ensures that no matter what assignment you need help on, you’ll find a student who is knowledgeable, welcoming, open-minded, and passionate about the writing process.
People who read: Dr. Brooks-Gillies and the peer consultants of the Alma College Writing Center have a strong belief that you might hear repeated during your visit: Writers need readers. The peer consultants who are assisting you are doing so from the perspective of an experienced reader. They will ask you questions like, “What are the guidelines your professor is giving you to answer this question?” and “Are there specialized terms that you need to consider when answering this question?” They might also ask questions about you and your experiences with writing, like “Have you written in this way before?”
Accountability: Something you shouldn’t expect from any writing center is for your peer consultant to do your assignment for you. That’s a good thing! Peer consultants are there to help get you to where you need to be, so that you can do it yourself. They will ask you for a description of your assignment and any materials, like books or articles, that you need to complete it. They’ll also ask you to articulate what you think is going well with your assignment as well as any concerns or challenges you’re having with it. While the Alma College Writing Center can accommodate students on a walk-in basis, peer consultants mostly work by appointment — which is yet another way for you to hold yourself accountable to your own goals.
Empathy and understanding: While a peer consultant will not do your assignment, you can expect to find some of the most supportive students on campus at a writing center. They understand that writing can be challenging and even traumatic for many and have experience navigating those situations. Because they are students, too, they know first-hand the troubles that can come with balancing a busy schedule and writing. They are also some of the most knowledgeable students on campus, even outside of writing — so, if you need help with something in addition to your research paper, they can hook you up with the appropriate person on campus.
The Alma College Writing Center is happy to be there to support you, regardless of what stage of the writing process you’re on. For more information — including hours of operation, location on campus and a link to sign up for an appointment — follow @almacollegewc on Instagram.