Finances shouldn’t keep you from investing in the future you’ve always imagined. But a quality college education is a big financial commitment, and before you dive in, you want to be sure that it’s right for you.
There’s a lot of misconceptions out there about choosing between a public college or university and a private college. So, let’s clear them up — so that you can be sure an Alma College education will be worth it for you.
Private colleges welcome students with high levels of need
If you receive financial aid at Alma College, you will not be out-of-place — 100 percent of our students receive some form of financial aid. In fact, Alma sets aside a certain amount of money in its budget every year to ensure it can meet the needs of its students. (This is called “institutional aid.”) Last year, Alma budgeted $37 million to help those who need it most pay for tuition. That’s a lot of zeroes.
- Read more about the 2024-25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
You’ll have plenty of opportunities to make money as a student
Whether you’re trying to make a dent in your tuition costs, or just looking for pocket money, it’s easy to find a job on campus at Alma College. Students can work up to 20 hours per week and offices are extremely flexible — so, you don’t need to worry about missing practice or class on account of work. You have the option of putting your paycheck toward your college fees, getting paid in full, or a combination of both.
Fewer bills from Alma
Alma College is the only school that offers the Alma Commitment. This means that if you follow the path that has been laid out when you begin college, and don’t graduate on time, your tuition for an additional term is on us. If you go to another college or university, it might look less expensive year-over-year — but if you need to take an additional term, you may get more bills. The Alma Commitment is a great safety net!
Scholarships are plentiful
Both merit- and need-based scholarships are available at Alma College, but all of your scholarships go toward tuition, rather than room and board. To help cover room and board, we encourage all students to pursue outside scholarships through the state of Michigan or any other database website. It can really help!
- Read more about scholarships at Alma College at
Wherever you go, it’s worth it
Whether you choose to go to Alma College or another college or university, rest assured that you are making a great choice. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2021, the median level of earnings for those with a master’s or higher degree was $74,600. For those with a bachelor’s degree, it was $61,600. For those with a high school diploma, it was $39,700.
Learn more about Financial Aid and Admissions at