(989) 463-7072
Connect with Timothy:
Associate Professor of Biology
(989) 463-7072
Connect with Timothy:
Dr. Keeton arrived at Alma College in 1998. His Ph.D. work was under the guidance of Dr. Gary Shull at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, where he worked with Shull and Jerry Lingrel in the cloning and study of both Plasma Membrane and Sarcoendoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPases. Postdoctoral work at the University of Wyoming, funded in large part by Pioneer Hi Bred, regarded the cloning and expression of the first B. thuringiensis toxin receptor in insects. At Alma, Dr. Keeton has worked on the tissue distribution of Bt toxin receptors in insect larvae, and, more recently, in collaboration with Murray Borrello in Environmental Studies, on the biological pollution of the Pine River headwaters region by manures generated by the numerous animal feedlot operations scattered throughout the region. He remains ever hopeful about the future of the Headwaters Institute at Alma College and its role in finding solutions to our local environmental challenges.
Dr. Keeton taught the department’s introductory course for majors (at the time, BIO 121) for roughly 15 years, and today continues to teach upper-level Microbiology, numerous microbiology-themed seminars, Introductory Cell Biology and Human Embryology.
Educational Background:
Cellular and molecular biology, microbiology.