(989) 463-7193
Connect with Steuard:
Professor of Physics
Physics and Engineering
(989) 463-7193
Connect with Steuard:
Steuard Jensen is a theoretical physicist with interests in string theory and physics education. His research in theoretical physics has focused on generalized concepts of geometry in string theory. His recent work has focused on new pedagogical descriptions of fundamental concepts like rotational motion and magnetism using the concept of “bivectors” in place of cross-products. He has enjoyed teaching courses across the curriculum, from introductory physics up through advanced topics like quantum mechanics and general relativity, as well as intersections with other disciplines such as Time Travel in Science and Literature and a course on “The Lord of the Rings.”
Outside of the classroom, he reads voraciously (often sci-fi and fantasy), he runs the Alma College planetarium, he occasionally sings with the college choir, he does his best to learn and listen on issues of social justice, he travels with his family to new and interesting places, and he takes long bike rides (with his daughter, if he can talk her into it).
Educational Background:
String theory, bivector formulations of physical principles and physics education.
Jensen, S. (2023). Teaching magnetism with bivectors. (Submitted) https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.02548
Jensen, S. & Poling, J. (undergraduate co-author) (2022). Teaching rotational physics with bivectors. (Forthcoming in the American Journal of Physics.) https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.03560
Jensen, S. (2022). Exploring entropy by counting microstates of the p-state paramagnet. American Journal of Physics 90 (736). https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.10340