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About Alma
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Eric Calhoun is an associate professor of biology. His career at Alma began in 2008.
Educational Background:
Signature Courses:
Genetics; Cancer Biology; Immunology.
I am a member of the Alma College Research Experiences in STEM Settings (RESS) Program committee, which is part of the part of the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program and funded through the National Science Foundation. If you are a rising third- or fourth-year undergraduate STEM major who is also pursuing secondary education certification to become a high school science teacher, or are otherwise interested in learning more about our program, visit our website.
Cancer genetics/genomics.
Swalve, N., Harwood, A. & Calhoun, E. (2021) Use of Exam Wrappers and Measures of Anxiety on Class Performance in Six Gateway STEM Courses at a Small Liberal Arts College, College Teaching, 69:3, 138-149, DOI: 10.1080/87567555.2020.1833826
Calhoun, E., Jungling, P., Prillwicz, K., Khan, I., Senan, S., Papciak, J., & Martin, M. (2020). Using Allele-specific Primer PCR to Determine Human ABO Blood-type Genotypes. Advances in Biology Laboratory Education. https://doi.org/10.37590/able.v41.art26