(989) 463-7345

Angela Kelleher
Associate Professor of Library and Information Science; Access Services Librarian
Contact Info
Angela was a social worker before becoming a librarian. She oversees the public-facing aspects of the campus library, as well as teaching research instruction sessions, ordering materials for the library and managing collection projects. Along with serving as an associate professor, she is a member of the Case Management team (Title IX and Civil Rights issues) and a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Board.
Educational Background:
- MLS Library Science, Wayne State University (2003)
- MSW Social Work, Michigan State University (1999)
- B.A International Relations, James Madison College, Michigan State University (1994)
My Expertise
Information literacy, access services and secondary research.
Recent Work and Accomplishments
Kelleher, A. (2020, November 19). Let’s Talk About Whiteness [Conference presentation]. Indiana Library Federation Virtual Conference.
Kelleher, A. (2013). Not just a place to sleep: Homeless perspectives on libraries in central Michigan. Library Review, 62. https://doi.org/10.1108/00242531311328122