Featured Event
Let’s Talk
Let's Talk is a 15 minute meeting with a Mental Health Counselor. These meetings are a chance to talk with counselors without committing to traditional therapy. Let's Talk is open to all Alma College students and is free and confidential. You can schedule
Upcoming Events
Wilcox Health Center Wellness Room
Come to the Wellness Room at the Wilcox Health Center! Enjoy a cup of tea, coffee or cocoa; grab a coloring page from the coloring table; or sign-up for the Light Therapy or Massage Chairs! The Wellness Room is open to students during Wilcox Health Cen
MLK Week Poetry Night
Each participant can do up to 3 pieces and will have 10 minutes. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to the Diveristy and Inclusion Office (
Men’s Basketball vs Albion College
Come out and support our men's basketball team as they take on Albion College!