Featured Event
Let’s Talk
Let's Talk is a 15 minute meeting with a Mental Health Counselor. These meetings are a chance to talk with counselors without committing to traditional therapy. Let's Talk is open to all Alma College students and is free and confidential. You can schedule
Upcoming Events
Alternative Spring Breaks – Now Accepting Applications
Sign up now to join a service trip to Tennessee during spring break - or serve locally in mid-Michigan!
Wilcox Health Center Wellness Room
Come to the Wellness Room at the Wilcox Health Center! Enjoy a cup of tea, coffee or cocoa; grab a coloring page from the coloring table; or sign-up for the Light Therapy or Massage Chairs! The Wellness Room is open to students during Wilcox Health Cen
Recess-Gentle Yoga Monday
During this Recess practice you will experience a gentle flow using your breath and movement to create openness in your body and clearness in your mind. We meet for this accessible practice in the Stone Rec Center Multipurpose Room.