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Performance Scholarships

Nearly 200 Alma College students receive music scholarships to assist them in making their education possible. Scholarship amounts are awarded in the following manner:

$1,500 per year. These scholarships are renewable for four years for students who continue participating in ensembles and/or lessons as their scholarship requires.

Students who receive an award perform in an ensemble every term. Piano students who may not be performing in an ensemble will study privately each term. To be considered for a performance scholarship, you need to apply to Alma College and arrange for an audition with the Music Department. Please contact professors Mattfeld, Zerbe or Abo directly for audition dates and requirements.

Outstanding student performers who have already auditioned and been recommended for a performance award may be eligible for a Distinguished Performance Scholarship.

Distinguished Performance Scholarships

These larger awards carry with them the expectation that the recipients will quickly become student leaders in the music program and Alma College music ensembles.

Instrumental performers who have auditioned for and been awarded a performance scholarship may be invited to submit a video recording for a Distinguished Performance Scholarship. Candidates are notified by letter of invitation.

Acceptance of the scholarship requires that the student perform in an ensemble as assigned by the faculty and take studio lessons.

Distinguished Vocal Scholarships

Potential music majors students considering careers as choral conductors, music teachers, and professional singers/performers are eligible for Distinguished Vocal Scholarships of $2,000+ to help make it possible to explore these career paths. To be considered, the interested student should visit campus, meet with Dr. Nicole Mattfeld and complete a vocal audition by May 1 of your senior year in high school.

Kaiser Orchestral Scholarship

Students who demonstrate exceptional talent and play in the Alma Chamber Orchestra are eligible to receive up to $8,000 through the Kaiser Orchestral Scholarship. This award can be combined with other music scholarships, merit and need-based financial aid.

Scottish Arts Scholarship – Piping

To be considered for a Scottish Arts Scholarship in Piping, you’ll need to apply for admission to Alma and arrange an audition with Andrew Duncan, piping director and co-coordinator of Highland Arts. You must be accepted to Alma College before you can apply for a scholarship. If you have questions, contact our Admissions Office at 800-321-ALMA or Andrew Duncan.


Receiving a performance scholarship qualifies you to take private studio lessons with one of the department’s outstanding professionals in the music faculty. You don’t have to be a music major or minor to enroll in lessons. Lessons are available at two levels in half-hour and hour-long units. The private instruction fee for all levels is $165 per term.