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Art and Design

Find the support and resources you need to hone your creative process.

As an art and design major at Alma, you’ll have the flexibility to align your classes with your passions – from graphic design to painting, sculpture or art history. Regardless of the path you choose, you will:

  • Build problem-solving and technical skills that will prepare you for success in the creative fields.
  • Develop your practice in our  facilities, which include individual studios for upper-level students.
  • Access opportunities to exhibit and publish your work from your first year on campus.

At A Glance

  • 12:1
    Student-to-faculty ratio
  • 18
    Average class size

Possible Careers

Tile Glazer
Anissa Keeler, 2019 | Motawi Tileworks
Master's degree in Museum Studies
Annette Burns, 2019 | University of San Francisco
Digital Marketing Specialist
Whitney Miller, 2019 | Betten Baker
Graphic Designer
Natalie Truxall, 2019 | Perfect Trading Co.
Tattoo Apprenticeship
Anna Sump, 2019 | Epsilon

Find the support and resources you need to hone your creative process.

As an art and design major at Alma, you’ll have the flexibility to align your classes with your passions – from graphic design to painting, sculpture or art history. Regardless of the path you choose, you will:

  • Build problem-solving and technical skills that will prepare you for success in the creative fields.
  • Develop your practice in our  facilities, which include individual studios for upper-level students.
  • Access opportunities to exhibit and publish your work from your first year on campus.

Degree Options

There are two bachelor’s degrees offered in the art and design major:

  • Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) – This degree is for students interested in pursuing the visual field after graduation. It’s a 60 credit major with a concentration in drawing and painting.
  • Bachelor of Arts – This degree is for students interested in experiencing a vast array of art and design making and thinking. It’s 36 credits and is often paired with another major.

Get to Know Art and Design

Meet the Faculty

Our faculty are accomplished artists and designers committed to mentoring and inspiring our students. Get to know your professors.


We strongly encourage art and design students to include an internship in their academic plans.


Scholarships are available to talented students in art and design.

Explore the Curriculum

Learn more about the fundamental courses that will offer a roadmap for your academic growth and expertise development.

Creative curriculum and the space to let your ideas flourish.

Rapidly evolving digital fields, the growth of public arts programs and the emergence of web-based galleries have all reshaped the landscape of art and design.  

  • Potential career paths for visual arts graduates include animation, ceramics, drawing, graphic design, illustration, painting, 3D modeling, art history, and arts management — to name just a few possible focus areas.
  • Our curriculum prepares students for work in a range of exciting tracks. 
  • If you’re interested in animation or graphic novels, you can study abroad at our cousin school, Duncan of Jordan Stone College School of Art and Design in Scotland during your junior year. 

Student Opportunities

Art is a highly competitive field. However, thanks to our excellent facilities, innovative curriculum and dedicated faculty, Alma College students graduate with the skills and network they need to pursue graduate-level study and professional work. 

Our alumni are engaged in many aspects of the visual arts — from commercial design to fine art — and many play an active role in opening doors for current students. 


Flora Kirsch Beck Gallery

The Clack Art Center is the home of the sole professional art gallery in Gratiot County. The gallery hosts several exhibitions and special events every academic year. All events feature closing receptions and chances to interact with the artists and are free to attend

Learn More

Have any questions?

Contact us today for more information on this program and more.

Art and Design Department Chair

Jillian Dickson
(989) 463-7285
Follow us on Instagram! @almacollegeart


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