The Michigan Academician

An interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed academic journal published three times per year.

One issue each year includes the abstracts of papers/posters presented at the Michigan Academy’s annual conference.

Papers do not need to be presented at our annual conference to be considered for publication. Please note, if your paper is accepted you will be required to become a member of the Academy and pay individual membership dues.

Manuscript Guidelines

Manuscripts of papers that are authored by members of the Academy and that have not been published elsewhere are eligible for publication in Michigan Academician. Acceptance of a paper for publication is contingent upon its quality as determined by peer review.

The Michigan Academy is a multidisciplinary organization, so papers that appeal to scholars in more than one discipline or are introduced so as to give adequate background to an educated generalist, will be given preference.



All manuscripts, tables and figures are submitted using the Academy’s online manuscript submission system. Manuscripts should be formatted according to the general guidelines presented below. We offer up-to-date information, tips and trouble-shooting suggestions regarding manuscript submission.

Each manuscript will be reviewed by at least two referees. Identities of authors and reviewers are concealed during the review process and revealed only with express permission. Authors’ names and institutional affiliations should not be revealed in the manuscript. These will be entered separately during the online submission process. Accordingly, please redact any information (citations that imply authorship of the manuscript, statements of compliance with human subject review boards, etc.) that would reveal an author’s identity or institutional affiliation to a reviewer. If the manuscript is recommended for publication, authors are expected to respond to comments made by the reviewers. Page proofs are sent to authors to check for accuracy.

Manuscript Style

Manuscript Style


Citation format and general style should conform with the 16th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition (2017). The author-date system is very strongly preferred; authors are not prohibited from choosing the notes and bibliography system instead, but should realize that this choice will likely delay publication of their manuscript and that they will be responsible for strict adherence to formatting guidelines (see The Chicago Manual of Style, Chapters 14 and 15). All journal titles should be spelled out in full in the references section. Failure to adhere to formatting criteria may result in return of the manuscript without review.


Manuscript files should be in Word, WordPerfect or Text formats. Allow ample margins and double-space text, quotations, footnotes and references. Number all pages. The title should appear on the first page, but author’s names should not. Authors are strongly encouraged to include an informative abstract, not to exceed 250 words, that highlights the main points of the article.


Generally, manuscripts should not exceed 40 double-spaced pages in length; however, longer manuscripts with promise of exceptional appeal to a large part of the audience of the Michigan Academician will be considered.


Scans of figures or illustrations originally produced as hard copies are acceptable for initial submissions, but authors are expected to provide original art or image files if the paper is accepted for publication. Digital images are preferred and should be submitted in an image format (TIF, PDF, EPS, or JPG). Submit each image as a separate file. Do not submit a composite of formats such as images pasted into PowerPoint or Word documents. Each figure should have a caption and each table a heading, compiled in separate sections following the references section in the manuscript. As you upload each image you will also be asked to enter the figure number and paste its caption into an online form. Tables should be submitted in XLS, XLSX, DOC or DOCX formats. Line art should be at resolutions of at least 1,200 dpi, grayscale or color images at 300 dpi and combos at 600 dpi. Number all illustrations and refer to them in the text. Indicate the approximate placement of each item in the text with a bracketed note (e.g.,).


The use of footnotes is discouraged, but if necessary authors should use the footnote function of their word processor to place them at the bottom of the page where they are referenced.

Permissions and Page Charges

Permissions and Page Charges

Obtaining necessary clearances and permissions in writing and submitting them with the manuscript is not the editors’ responsibility.

The ability to pay page charges is not a prerequisite for publication in the Michigan Academician; however, if institutional or grant funds are available for such charges, the Academy appreciates the help in defraying the costs of publication. The current page charge is $25 per article page.

References Cited
The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed.  2017. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.



The publication of our interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, academic journal, the Michigan Academician is overseen by a dedicated group of editors.

General Editor & Humanities Editor
Dr. Alice S. Horning
Oakland University, Emerita

Science Editor
David Dorbos
Calvin University

Social Sciences Editor
Dr. Mary Theresa Bonhage-Freund
Alma College, Emerita

Index of Publications

Index of Publications

Parties interested in the full article text are directed to search college and university libraries or use interlibrary loan for copies of articles.

Since 2000, the Michigan Academician has been available online through the Gale Database (by library subscription). Also, ProQuest and EBSCO are licensed to distribute journal articles. Back issues of most issues of the Michigan Academician are available from the Academy office for $17 per copy.  Individual articles can also be ordered for a fee. Download, print, and mail an order form.

Publication History

In 1900, the Michigan Academy began publishing papers presented at its annual meetings which have been held since 1894. They have been published annually without interruption, but they have appeared under three different periodical titles over the years:

From 1900 to 1921, the papers were published once annually in a single bound volume as a Report of the Michigan Academy of Science.  Generally, these volumes published the papers from the meeting of the year previously, though they occasionally published papers from the annual meetings of several preceding years.  In the following index, the boldfaced headings (in Word) and the online year links indicate the years of the meetings at which the papers were presented (this date sometimes actually appears on the spine of the volume); the year in parentheses within the actual citations indicates the year of the volume’s publication.

From 1922 to 1968, the papers were published once annually in a single bound volume and then eventually in quarterly installments as Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters.  Again, within this index, the boldfaced heading and online year links indicate the date of the meeting at which most of these papers had been presented.  The year cited in parentheses indicates the actual year of publication.

From 1969 to the present, the papers have been published in quarterly numbers of the Michigan Academician.  The boldfaced headings in the Word document again indicate the year in which the bulk of the papers were presented (usually the previous year); however, because of the publication schedule, in some cases, the year of presentation and publication may be the same.  In other cases, one or more years may have elapsed between the date of presentation and the date of publication.  In the online version of the index, it is listed by volume number rather than by year.

A complete index of all papers published by the Academy in its more than 100-year history is available online:

Please note that the publishing date of the articles (in most causes) is the year following the annual meeting at which it was presented.

Complete the Reviewer Application

Interested in Becoming a Michigan Academician Reviewer?

Completed forms can be Emailed or mailed in.

Michigan Academy
Centennial House
Alma College
614 W. Superior St.
Alma, MI 48801


Find out more questions regarding the preparation of manuscripts and art work.

Editors, Michigan Academy

614 W. Superior St.
Alma, MI 48801
(989) 463-7969

Email is for inquiries only; no manuscript submissions without prior arrangement