Let's Connect


King-Chávez-Parks First Year Mentor Program Application

KCP Mentee Application/Personal Profile

Please fill out the information below as part of your application to the King-Chávez-Parks First-Year Mentor Program. A portion of the application will be used to match you with your mentor later on. Only the program staff will have access to your information. Thank you!

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

  • She/her/hers; He/him/his; they/them/their; or other pronouns

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

    This means that your parents or legal guardian did not complete a 4-year degree.
  • i.e. @alma_diversity, Please specify whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat

  • Hall/Apartment, Room #
  • This can be anything, be creative!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.