(989) 463-7061
Katie Stumpf
Associate Professor of Biology
Contact Info
Katie Stumpf has studied birds for 25 years, all over the country and world. In particular, her focus is on the effects that climate and habitat change have on breeding bird biology and population size. She came to Alma College in 2024 and teaches zoology, animal behavior, evolution and ornithology.
My Expertise
Ornithology, Animal Behavior, Wildlife Conservation
Recent Work and Accomplishments
Stumpf, K. J., Muise, C.M. 2023. Increasing Capture Rates of Grassland Birds over Thirteen Years Indicates Successful Restoration. Georgia Journal of Science. Vol. 81, No. 2, Article 1.
Jones, D.P. and K.J. Stumpf. 2022. Genetic differentiation of Eastern Phoebes at a migratory stopover site. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 133(3):435–442.