You might be surprised to learn how much it benefits a college or university to receive donations. The cost of tuition alone does not allow a school to reach its
Explore how the past has molded the present. Historians study the complexity of factors that inform movements and events in history. To earn your bachelor’s degree in history, you will:
Harness the power of words. At Alma, our English program prioritizes helping you develop as a creative and critical thinker. To earn your bachelor’s degree in English, you will: Survey
Explore how individuals create and interpret meaning within organizations, communities, and cultures. Communication is at the heart of building connections, sharing ideas, persuading others, resolving disputes, and fostering collaboration. As a communication major or minor, you’ll develop the skills to effectively craft messages through both writing and public speaking. You’ll also study how media influences perceptions and behaviors, examining its role in shaping interactions within society.